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10 employee engagement questions you should be asking

Two Elephants

Not so long ago, good employee engagement practise meant asking your team how they were at the weekly staff meeting, offering a casual Friday dress code and rolling out a long, tedious employee survey once per year. Well, it's quite easy to see that those times are gone and the employees of our time have a slightly different expectation when it comes to employee engagement. So how can you learn more about your employees to keep them happy and motivated?

Employee engagement

It's not exactly mind-blowing stuff. Think of it simply as asking your employees how they are.. what do they need to do their job well and how you can help them achieve their goals? That doesn't sound so difficult, does it? Speaking with your teams should be easy, relaxed, and relatively informal. Employee engagement surveys are a great way to do this frequently in an approachable manner.

Delivery of these questions doesn't have to be onerous either. Two Elephants offers surveys sent directly to mobile, email and even messenger services like, Slack and Whatsapp.

We explore 10 simple questions you can ask your employees to help shape a better work culture and increase productivity. Think of the following questions on a sliding scale from very true to very untrue.

  1. I am proud to work for our company

  2. I rarely think about looking for a job

  3. The leaders of our business keep people informed about what is happening

  4. My managers have communicated a vision that motivates me

  5. I have access to everything I need to do my job well

  6. I have access to the learning and development I need to do my job well

  7. I receive appropriate recognition when I do well at my job

  8. Day-to-day decisions within our company demonstrate that quality and improvement are top priorities

  9. My manager has shown a genuine interest in my career aspirations

  10. This is a great company for me to make a contribution to my development

We also recommend one or two open ended questions to allow employees to speak their mind.

  1. Is there something else you think we should have asked you in this survey?

  2. Are we doing something really well (or not so well) that you'd like to talk about?

Sure, there are tons of other questions you can ask. And depending on how frequently you send out surveys, you may want to focus on one of the above topics and explore it further. Two Elephants can help with this strategy too. But the main point is to stay involved with your teams.

Regularity allows you to see issues as minor speed bumps rather than roadblocks to the success of your business. Benchmarking also gives you a good starting point - for example, when an employee starts the role. Thus allowing the regular surveys to be a part of their routine from the beginning.

Employee surveys and regular feedback shape the culture of a business. Collecting this feedback in a systematic way allows you to listen to your teams and change accordingly.

Two Elephants offers support to businesses and agencies to design, build and manage mobile-friendly employee engagement surveys, loyalty schemes, sales promotion campaigns and corporate communication programmes. Get in touch to find out how we can help you today.

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