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Are you talking to your employees during lockdown?

Two Elephants

It would be naive to think that as soon as we are all told to go back to work, everyone will turn up on day one and everything will continue as before like clockwork.

The reality is that many employees will have deep concerns not only about travelling back into work on public transport but what safeguarding measures, if any, will be put in place by their employers upon their return.

This is especially true for individuals who have to work in close proximity to other employees or those that are living with, or caring for those deemed to be high risk.

The reality is that things cannot simply cannot return to ‘normal’ and right now employers should be in contact with their employees to ask how they are feeling and any concerns they have about returning to work.

Those employers that reach out to their employees now will have the chance to implement processes and procedures that give comfort to their employees before they open their doers again.

Working practices may need to change drastically to accommodate people’s concerns, which will result in less absenteeism and greater productivity once lockdown is lifted.

So don’t be a stranger to your employees. Reach out now and listen to their concerns. Both your bottom line and your employees will thank you for it!

Contact us to let us help you create a ‘back to work’ survey for your employees today.

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